True Access Capital

NCC Corridor Revitalization Fund Accepting Applications

True Access Capital, in partnership with the Claymont Renaissance Development Corporation and New Castle County, announce the New Castle County Corridor Revitalization Fund, which provide grants up to $10,000, each for small businesses, whose projects contribute to the economic revitalization of the County’s commercial corridors. Eligible applicants include small businesses and landlords with properties or […]

NCC Corridor Revitalization Fund Accepting Applications

True Access Capital launches Northeast Wilmington Revitalization Fund

A renaissance is underway in Northeast Wilmington, Delaware, an area bordered by 11th Street, Market Street, Lea Boulevard and Amtrak train tracks. To help support this community’s effort to bring about positive change, True Access Capital (TAC) has launched the Northeast Wilmington Revitalization (NWR) Fund. This fund is designed to provide financial support for developers,

True Access Capital launches Northeast Wilmington Revitalization Fund

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